HND Results 2022 session of the Higher National Diploma, MINESUP Cameroun


The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education hereby announces:

The candidates, whose names appear below in order of merit, have been declared successful in the 2022 session of the Higher National Diploma Program (HND) Examination, in the Fields of study, Specialties and Options indicated hereafter.

Accountancy ; Accounting and Finance ; Agricultural Production Technology  ;  Agro-Pastoral Adviser  ;  Agro-Pastoral Entrepreneurship ; Animal Production and Technology ; Assistant Manager ;  Banking and Finance  ;  Bakery and Food Processing  ;  Building Science and Technology  ; Building Construction and Rural Road ; Civil Engineering Technology  ;  Chemical Manufacturing  ;  Corporate Communication  ;  Crop Production Technology  ;  Computer Science and Networks ; Computer Graphics and Web Design  ; Customs and Transit ; Didactics, Curriculum Development and Teaching  ; Data Base Management ; E-Commerce and Digital Marketing  ;  Education Management and Administration ; Electrotechnics  ;  Electrical Power Systems  ;  Fashion Clothing and Textiles  ;  Food Technology ; Full Stack Development ; Human Resource Management  ;  Hardware Maintenance  ;  Information Systems Management ; Insurance  ; International Trade ; Industrial Computing and Automation ; Joinery and Cabinetmaking  ;  Journalism  ;  Legal Assistant  ;  Local Government Administration   ; Logistics and Transport Management  ;  Marketing-Trade-Sale ; Mechanical Manufacturing  ;  Midwifery  ;  Medical Imaging Technology  ;  Medical Laboratory Sciences  ;   Nutrition and Dietetics  ;  Nursing1  ; Nursing 2 ;  Network and Security  ;   Optician/Clinical Optometry ;    Pharmacy Technology ; Physiotherapy  ; Petrochemical Engineering ; Petroleum Logistics ;  Project Management  ;  Petroleum System and Exploitation  ;  Port Shipping Management  ; Quarries Operations  ;  Road and Civil Engineering  ;  Software Engineering  ;  Supply of Potable Water and Hydroagricultural Arrangement ;   Tourism and Travel Agency Management  ;  Telecommunication  ;     Topography ;     Urban Planning ;     Ultrasonography ;  Automotive maintenance and services ;  Social Work ;  Special Education ;  Air conditioning and refrigeration ;  Boiler making and welding ;  Dental Therapy ; Health care management ;  Hotel management and catering.

Anciennes épreuves des Concours et examens de l’écoles du Cameroun

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⇒Annciennes épreuves de Concours

⇒Annciennes épreuves de l’examens

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