What Is A Recorded Video Interview?


Pre Recorded Video Interview Tips

What Is A Recorded Video Interview? | Pre Recorded Video Interview Tips. You may have a live video interview or a pre-recorded interview when you apply for a job. This online interview assesses a candidate’s skills and knowledge.

Pre-recorded interviews usually open at a set time and stay open for a few days. You record your answers during this time and send them back to the interviewer to watch later. You usually watch a video and have a set amount of time to record your answers. The questions will either appear on the screen or the employer may have recorded them in advance.

What Is A Recorded Video Interview?

A video recording interview or pre-recorded video interview is a type of online interview. You typically receive a link and instructions to film yourself alone with your computer answering pre-scripted questions. The process from the recruiters’ side will be to advertise the job and shortlist candidates to record an interview. The recruiter will set up the pre-recorded interviews on a platform that is available on a desktop or via mobile. The recruiter will send out invitations to candidates to log in to the platform.

What Is a One-Way Video Interview?

In the one-way video interview, the job seeker’s answers to preset questions are recorded for the employer to see later. Usually, this interview happens at the beginning of the interviewing process, often as a replacement or supplement to the phone interview which has typically served as the first step in screening job candidates.

Difference between a pre-recorded video interview Vs a video call interview

  • A pre-recorded video interview instructs you to film yourself alone, answering a set of interview questions. Prospective employers typically send instructions and a deadline for you to record and submit your video.
  • A video call interview is different from a video recording because you directly interact with the interviewer. Video call interviews usually function more closely to physical interviews.

Common pre recorded video interview examples questions you can use to practice:

  • Why did you leave your previous position?
  • Why are you interested in this role?
  • Why do you want to work for this company?
  • Do you want to tell us anything about yourself?
  • What do you consider as your strengths?
  • What was your most outstanding achievement in your last position?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • What do you consider as your weaknesses?
  • Tell us about a challenging situation you experienced at work. What steps did you take to resolve it?
  • What measures do you take to ensure you meet deadlines?

FAQs – What Is A Recorded Video Interview? | Pre Recorded Video Interview Tips

What is a recorded video interview?

Pre-recorded interviews usually open at a set time and stay open for a few days. You record your answers during this time and send them back to the interviewer to watch later. You usually watch a video and have a set amount of time to record your answers.

How long should a recorded video interview last?

Most pre-recorded video interviews include 5 to 8 questions and take about 20-30 minutes to complete. The number of questions varies between positions and organisations.

What do you say in a self recorded interview?

Use this as another opportunity to direct the recruiter or hiring manager’s attention to your skills and accomplishment to really impress them. Talk about what interests you about the industry and what you hope to bring to their organization.

Tips For A Successful Pre-recorded Video Interview

Have you been asked to do a pre-recorded video interview and need some interview tips? In this article, your will learn tips to help you prepare for a pre recorded video interview.

To help you prepare you should:

  • Look at the company website and get an understanding of their culture and values
  • Read through any guidance notes from the recruiter and follow their instructions
  • Spend some time on practice questions you’re given
  • Research the company and what’s involved in the job.
  • Prepare some answers to common interview questions.
  • Have some questions of your own ready to ask
  • Go through your CV or application form and prepare examples to show you have the skills and experience
  • Use the STAR method to help you structure your answers.

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