ORDER N°.21-00259 / MINESUP / OF / 28 JUNE 2021
To launch the competitive entrance examination and fix the number of places into the first year of the NURSING / MIDWIFERY and MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES PROGRAMMES of the Faculty of Health Sciences, of The University of Bamenda, for the 2021-2022 academic year.
of the Constitution.
of Law no 2001/005 of 16 April 2001 bearing on the orientation of H igher Education.
of Decree n 20111408 of 09 Decernber 20 II to organize the Governrnent.
of Decree n 20111410 of 09 December 2011 to appoint mernbers of Government.
of Decree n” 20 11/045 of 08 March 20 Il to organise The University of Barnenda.
of Decree n” 2012/433 of 1SI October 2012 organ izing the Ministry of Higher Education.
of Decree n? 93/026 of 19 January 1993 to set up Universities;
of Decree n? 93/027 of 19 January 1993 fixing common dispositions in State Universities, modified and implemented by Decree n 2005/342 of 10 Septernber 2005.
of Decree n” 20 10/3 71 of 14 Decernber 2010 to create The University of Bamenda.
of Decision n? 004/CAB/PM of 10 February 2000 on admission into national schools of training and recruitment of civil servants.
of Decree No. 2011/319 er 10 Septernber 2011 appointing the Vice. Chancellor to The University of Bamenda;
of Decree No. 2012/364 of 06th August 2012 appointing the Deputy Vice Chancellors to The University of Bamenda; Midwifery Nursing MLS FHS University of Bamenda 2019-2020.
of Decree No. 2012/364 of 06th August 2012 appointing the Registrar to The University of Bamenda.’
of Decree n” 2012/333 of 29 appointing a Vice Chancellor and Rectors in some States Universities.
of Decree n” 2012/366 of 06th August 2012 appointing persons in States Universities.
of decree n? 2013/0891 IPM of 12 Mars 2013 appointing persons in the Ministry of Higher Education.
of Decision n” 15/0045/ MINESUP /SG/DAUQ /SDEAC/SE of 11 February 2021 setting dates for competitive entrance examinations into State Universities in Cameroon for the 2020/2021, academic year.
the proposal of the Vice Chancellor of The University of Bamenda.
Article 1.
The Entrance Examination for the admission of 60 (sixty) students each into the first year of the Nursing and Medical Laboratory Sciences programmes has been launched into the Faculty of Health Sciences of The University of Bamenda, for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Article 2:
- The examination shall be organised in one sitting and is opened to Cameroonians of both sexes,
holders of GCE A/L or Baccalauréat or any equivalent diploma recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education. - Admission is opened to qualified candidates of both sexes and of not more than twenty eight (28) years old on 1st January 2021.
- Below are the required diplomas or certificatcs a candidate must have to be qualified to register for the common entrance examinations:
- At least 04 papers at GCE O/L including Biology and Chemistry and excluding Religious Knowledge or Probatoire C, D or I.
- At least 02 papers at GCE A/L in Sciences including Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics or Baccalauréat C, D or I.