IRIC Entrance 2021-2022 ISESCO/FUMI
PRESS-RELEASE N° 20/00236 /MINESUP/ of 24 JUNE 2021.
To open selection test for admission into (IRIC Entrance 2021-2022) the Master of Research in International Relations, Major in Cultural Diversity, Peace and International Cooperation at the ISESCO/FUMI Chair for Cultural Diversity of the University of Yaoundé II at the International Relations Institute of Cameroon, for the 2021-2022 academic year.
The selection test for admission of 30 (thirty) candidates into the Master of Research in Cultural Diversity, Peace and International Cooperation at the ISESCO/FUMI Chair for Cultural Diversity of the University of Yaoundé II, has been launched at the International Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC Yaounde II) for the 2021-2022 academic year. The examination shall take place in the unique center of Yaoundé. The selection shall take place on 22nd September 2021 in the unique centre of Yaounde.
Conditions to be fulfilled for IRIC Entrance 2021-2022 Yaounde ISESCO/FUMI Master of Research:
- Be of Cameroonian nationality (foreign candidates are admitted out of the fixed quota).
- Be holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences and Humanities (Law, Political science, Economies and Management, Arts, Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, psychology, history). Executives of public, parastatal or local administrations in charge of issues of peace, security, diversity and/or international cooperation can also submit applications.
The selection shall be done through a rigorous review of candidates- application files comprising two phases: the file review by a committee and the interview of preselected candidates by the same committee.
Complete application files should comprise the following documents:
- A registration form to be obtained from IRIC or from the websites of the Ministry of Higher Education: of the IRIC :;
- A certified true copy ofthe candidate’s birth certificate issued not more th an three (03) months.
- A certified true copy of the Bachelor degree or equivalent including transcripts certified by the competent acadernic authorities.
- A medical certificate.
- A passport size photography (4 x 4).
- A self-addressed envelope bearing a 500 FCFA postage stamp.
- A receipt of twenty five thousand francs CFA (25.000) representing the file study fees which is not refundable. The money should be paid into account N°10002000699000044772736. entitled IRIC/CONCOURS ISESCO/FUMI at SCB, 20 May Branch (opposite MINESUP).
- NB: The payment of the said examination fees depend on the delivery of a clearance form by the bursar of IRIC after verification of the candidates file by the Student Records Office of IRIC.
Deadline for the reception of complete application files is 17th September, 2021 at the Student Records office of lRIC. Incomplete files and files that are deposited after the deadline shall be rejected.
The Director of University Accreditation and Quality, the Rector or The University or Yaounde II and the Director of IRIC are responsible for the execution of this order which shall be registered and communicated in English and French when and where ever need arises.