Peace – Work – Fatherland
Concours National Higher Polytechnic Institute University of Bamenda 2021-2022 (ENSPB).
ORDER No. 2100257 /MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC/SE of 29 June 2021.
Opening and fixing the number of places into the first year of the first cycle of the National Higher Polytechnic Institute (NAHPI) ENSPB – of the University of Bamenda for the 2021/2022 academic year. The competitive entrance examination will be written on the 10th of September 2021.
[Download the application form here]
Article 1:
A competitive entrance examination through the study of files is hereby launched into the first year of the first cycle for the award of the Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng) and subsequently the Professional Master of Engineering (M. Eng) of the National Higher Polytechnic institute of The University of Dementia for the 2021/2022 academic year in the following fields and program as shown in the table below.
Fields Program and Number of places
- Computer Engineering – Computer Engineering – 60 places.
- Electrical and Electronic – Electrical and Electronic Engineering – 50 places.
- Mechanical and Industrial – Mechanical and Industrial Engineering – 50 places.
- Civil Engineering and Architecture – Civil Engineering – 70 places.
- Petroleum Engineering – Petroleum Engineering – 35 places.
- Mining and Mineral Engineering – Mining and Mineral Engineering – 35 places.
Article 2:
The National Higher Polytechnic Institute University of Bamenda. The competitive entrance examination is opened to Cameroonians of both sexes Applicants for admission must be holders of one of the following qualifications:
- General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level in science subjects including English language and General Certificate of Education Advanced Level in science subjects.
- General Certificate of Education Technical Ordinary and Advanced Levels in relevant subjects with a pass in English language.
- Probatoire and Baccalauréat C, D, F2, F3, and MAW with a pass in English language at Baccalauréat and Probatoire.
- Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education.