Launching a competitive entrance examination Higher Training Center of Nurse Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaounde I for the 2019-2020 academic year ..
Article 1: (1) A competitive examination is launched for the 2019/2020 academic year for the entrance into the Higher Training Center for Nurse Sciences of Cameroon.
(2) This competitive entrance examination would hold at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University ofYaounde Ion the 30th ofNovembcr 2019.
Article 2: The admission into the Higher Training Center for Nurse Sciences is opened for one session for Cameroonians of both sexes. The different specialties opened are:
1) For nurse sciences : specialized nurses in surgi cal assistance (20 seats ); specialized nurses in anesthesiology (20 seats); specialized nurses in emergency medicine (20 seats); specialized nurses in nephrology (10 seats); specialized nurses in nursery nursing (10 seats); specialized nurses in psychiatries (20 seats ); specialized nurses in the management of health structures (10 seats ); specialized nurses in ENT ( ear, nose and throat) ( 10 seats ); specialized nurses in ophthalmo logy (10 seats );
2) For health care technics : highly specialize nurses in kinesitherapy (10 seats); highly specialized nurses in medical analysis (10 seats ); prosthetics ( 10 seats ); preparators in pharmacies (10 seats)
Article 3: (1) Eligible candidates must fulfill the following conditions:
- Be a Cameroonian
- Be at least 45 years old at the first of January of the year of the entrance examination
- Be a state registered nurse
- Haven worked for at least 05 years
- Have a motivation letter from the hierarchy
(2) Can also seat for the entrance examination into the Higher Training Center for Nurse Sciences and be admitted out of the number of seats available, according to the following conditions,
a) – Candidates of the private and religious sector
b) – Foreign candidates, and especially th ose from states having cooperation ties with the Republic of Cameroon.
Article 4: ( 1) Complete files of candidates into the competitive entrance examination in the Higher Training Center for Nurse Sciences must contain the following documents:
1. An individual form that must be filled by the candidate and available at the web site: or This forrn would have an identification number and should be printed by the candidate;
2. A certified copy of the birth certificate dating less than six months;
3. A certified copy of the diploma giving right to the entrance examination;
4. An attestation of presentation of the original of the candidate’s diploma signed by a cornpetent authority;
5. An authorization of the employer with the engagement of financial facilities;
6. A medical certificate signed by a competent medical doctor proving physical and mental abilities;
7. The receipt of payment of examination fees of an amount of twenty-five thousand (25000) CF A Francs, to the financial accountant of the Department of University Accreditations and Quality (DUAQ), delivered by the “W ARDA” Express union agency.
8. Two 500 CFA Francs stamped envelopes at the candidate’s address.
(2) Complete files should be deposited before 22th November 2019, at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaoundé I.
Article 5: Only candidates haven registered online and deposited a complete file can be admitted into the examination hall with their national identity cards.
Article 6: ( 1 ), The examination is made up of a written and an oral part.
(2) The examination syllabus is that of third year training in nursing sciences.
Article 7: (1) At the end of the written and oral examination, a jury made up of members appointed by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education would give the list of admitted patients, in order of merit.
(2) Final results are published by a press release of the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education as defined by article 2 of this order.
Article 8: Admissions cannot be postponed from one school year to the other.
Article 9: Heads of State University Institutions, heads of institutes authorized to deliver medical training and the Director of University accreditations and Quality at the Ministry of Higher Education are each in his or her level, in charge of the application of the following order that would be registered and published wherever need be.