Peace – Work – Fatherland
To launch a competitive entrance examination for the first year of the Biomedical and Health Science Programmes in the Faculty of Science of the University of Ngaoundere, for the 2019/2020 academic year.
MindfulofThe Constitution;
MindfulofLaw no.005 of 16 April 2001, on the orientationof HigherEducation;
MindfulofDecreeno. 93/026 of 19 January1993,on the creation of Universities;
MindfulofDecreeno. 93/028 of 19 January1993,on the administrativeand academicorganizationof
MindfulofDecreeno.93/027of 19 January1993,onthegeneralmeasuresforuniversities,as
modified by Decree no. 2005/342 of 10 September 2005;
MindfulofDecree no. 2005/383of 17 October2005, on the fiscal regime of universities;
MindfulofOrder no. 9/0121/MINESUP/DDESof 28 April 2009,to createand open the Biomedical and
Health Science programmes, in requtarization, in the Faculty of Science of The University of
MindfulofDecree no. 2011/408of 09 December2011,to organizethe government;
MindfulofDecree no. 2011/410of 09 December2011,to appoint membersof government;
MindfulofDecree no. 2018/190of 02 March2018 to amend and completesomeprovisions of Decree
Mindfulofno. 2011/408 of 09 December 2011 on the organization of the Government;
Decree no. 2019/002of 04 January2019 to reshufflethe Government;
MindfulofDecreeno. 2012/433of 01 October2012, to organize the Ministryof HigherEducation;
MindfulofDecreeno. 2012/333of 29 June2012,to appointa Vice-Chancellorand Rectorsinsome
MindfulofState Universities;:
Decreeno.2017/318 of27 June2017,toappointstaff to posts of responsibilityinState
Decreeno. 2013/0891/PMof 12 March 2013, to appointstaff to posts of responsibilityin the
MindfulofMinistryof Higher Education;
Order n°. 19-00054/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEACof 2thFebruary 2019, to fix the calendar
of competitive entrance examinations into the Faculties, Schools and Institutions of State
Universities. for the 2019/2020 academic year.
Article 1:
A competitive entrance examination for the admission of 100 (one hundred) students into the first year of Biomedical and Health Science in the Faculty of Science of the University of Ngaoundere for the 2019/2020 academic year on Sunday 25th August 2019 at the centers of Dschang, Yaounde, Ngaoundere and Maroua, according to the following distribution:
Article 2:
(1)The competitive entrance examination is opened to Cameroonians of both sexes, holders of Baccalauréat C or 0 or the General Certificate of Education, Advanced level (GCE ‘A’ Level) in at least three science subjects and GCE ‘0’ level , or any other equivalent certificate recognized by the Minister of Higher Education. The subject “Religious Knowledge” is not considered.
(2)Members of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) who have ratified the text concerning the national treatment of students will also be admitted under the same conditions like Cameroonians.
(3)Members from non CEMAC countries just like members from CEMAC countries who do not want to write the competitive entrance examination, could be admitted from the study of files, depending on the availability of places, if they are beneficiaries of scholarships from their governments or an international organization, committed to pay the tuition fee related to their status.
A candidate’s complete application file shall be deposited at the Admission and Records Office of the Faculty of Science, University of Ngaoundere, PO Box 454 Ngaoundere, at the antennae of UN Yaounde (Nkolbisson), at the antennae of The University of Dschang in Maroua, at the Admission and Records Office of the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang or at the ENS Bertoua, no later than August 14th, 2019 and shall comprise the fllowing documents:
1 – an application form, available on the MINESUP website: the Admission and Records Office of the Faculty of Science, University of Ngaoundere, the antennae of UN Yaounde (Nkolbisson), the antennae of The University of Dschang in Maroua, the ENS Bertoua and the Admission and Records Office of the FASA in Dschang;
2 – a receipt issued upon payment of 25.000 frs as registration fee issued by ECOBANK-CAMEROON, account no. 10029-26017-01207980101-56 FS Ngaoundere;
3 – certified true copy of the Baccalaureate or GCE/AL or a certified proof of success to one of these examinations;
4 – certified true photocopies of the GCE ‘A’ level or Baccalauréat and GCE ‘0’ level or Probatoire transcripts;
5 – a certified true photocopy of birth certificate not more than 03 months old;
6 – a medical certificate of physical and mental fitness, testifying that the candidate is apt for higher education studies, issued by a medical doctor of the public administration;
7 – five passport-size photographs 4×4, with the names of the candidate at the back;
8 – a self-addressed A4 envelop, stamped appropriately.
ln any case, the registration fee is non refundable.
Only candidates with complete application files would be allowed to compete for admission into the study programmes.
(1) The competitive examination is made up of:
an evaluation of academic profile (coefficient 2, 30% of the total mark); a written examination (coefficient 5, 70% of the total mark).
(2)The evaluation of academic profile (coefficient 2) is based on: results of the GCE ‘0’ level or Probatoire;
results of the GCE ‘A’ level or Baccalauréat;
the number of times one repeats a class or the public examination.
(3)The written examination is made up of multiple choice questions and shall comprise: a one hour paper on biology, coefficient 2;
a one hour paper on chemistry, coefficient 1;
a one hour paper on physiès, coefficient 1 ;
a one hour paper on general knowledge based on current events, coefficient 1.
Each subject is scored from zero to one hundred. Any score less than twenty in any written test disqualifies the candidate.
The programme of the competitive examination is that of the Baccalauréat C or 0 or the GCE ‘A’ Level in the subjects biology, chemistry and physics.
(1)The deliberations are carried out by a jury appointed by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education following the proposition of the Rector of the University of Ngaoundere.
(2)The final results are published through a press release by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education.
ln any case, admission cannot be deferred from a year to another.
The expenditures linked to the organization of the competitive examination are imputable to the 2019 budget of the University of Ngaoundere.
The Rector of the University of Ngaoundere, the Director of University Accreditations and quality and the Dean of the Faculty of Science at the University of Ngaoundere are, each within his/her sphere of competence, charged with the implementation of this order, which shall be registered and published as and where necessary
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