Paix- Travail-Patric
Peace – Work – Fatherland
To launch the competitive entrance examination into the first year of the Master of Engineering and into the first year of Architecture degree of the National Advanced School of Engineering of the University of Maroua, and to fix the number of places available for the 2019-2020 academie year.
On the proposal of the Rector of the University of Maroua;
Article 1: A competitive entrance examination for the admission of two hundred and ten (210) engineers students into the first year of the Master of Engineering and of fifteen (15) architect- students into the first year of Architecture degree of the national Advanced School of Engineering of the University of Maroua for the 2019-2020 academie year.
Article 2:
(1) The examination is organized in one sitting for Cameroonians with holders of the baccalaureate Certificate as requested for each course, or holders of the GCE-A/L passed in two subjects at least including the main (major) subject of the series.
(2) The table below shows the required diplomas or certificates and the main subject that a candidate must have in order to be qualified to register for the competitive entrance examination for a given Department:
Article 3:
(1)Professionals or workers who are successful in the competitive examination must paya Fee which amount is indicated by a particular order.
(2)Foreign candidates proposed for the training by their government are admitted under the same academie conditions as above depending on the number of places available.
Article 4: The application files shall comprise the following documents:
•A printed application form duly filled in by the candidate on the websites : or or
•A certified photocopy of the national identity card;
•A certified photocopy of the birth certificate dated not more than three (03) months;
•Transcripts of the Probatoire or GCE 1 OL, the Baccalaureate or the GCE 1 AL signed or certified by the competent services;
•A certified photocopy of the baccalaureate or GCE 1 AL, or any other diploma recognized equivalent by the Minister of Higher Education, dated not more than three (03) months;
•A medical certificate is issued by-a medical officer from the Administration testifying that the candidate is physically and medically fit for teaching;
•An extract l’rom the criminal record (bulletin n ° 3) dated not more than three (03) months;
•An original receipt Express Union upon payment of twenty thousand (20.000) CFA as registration Fee delivered. Competition Fees are not refundable;
•An A4 envelope stamped at 400 FCF A and addressed to the candidate;
•Four (04) passport-size photographs (4×4);
•Working Candidates should attest their experiences in the field;
Article 5: Holders of foreign diplomas shall submit either the equivalence or the receipt showing that they have applied for the equivalence of their diplomas or certificates issued by the Minister of Higher Education. However, their final admission and the award of a diploma or attestation of completion of the end of their training may be acquired only upon presentation within the time limits set by the competent authority, of the text granting equivalence to their diploma, and obtained from the Minister of Higher Education by the candidate.
Article 6: The Completed application file should be submitted either to the Regional Delegations of Secondary Education, or to National Advanced School of Engineering of the University of Maroua, or to the Department of Meteorology, Climatology, Hydrology and Pedology of the Advanced School of Engineering in Kousseri, or to the Yaoundé-Antenna of the University of Maroua, on or before the 12 September 2019 at 3,30 p.m precisely
Article 7: The competition shall comprise:
-Three written tests accounting for 70%
-A scholar appreciation accounting for 30%
Article 8: The written papers will take place on 15 September 2019, in the following examination centers: Douala, Dschang, Garoua, Kousseri, Maroua, Ngaoundéré and Yaoundé.
Article 9: The written papers are divided as follows:
(1)The programs of the competition are those of the Baccalauréat or the CGE / AL.
(2) Architect-students candidates will write in Mathematics; General Knowledge and bilingualism; and physics
At the end of the written tests and after the registration in the school records, the jury shall publish the list of successful candidates. There is no oral examination. Admission cannot be deferred for the next or any other academie year.
Article 10: The scholar appreciation is determined according to the age of the candidate and his previous academie performance;
Article 11: The number of places
Article 12: The composition of the Jury is specified by an order of the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education.
Article 13: The Rector of the University of Maroua, the Director of University Accreditations and Quality. and the Director of the National Advanced School of Engineering of the University of Maroua are responsible for the implementation of this order which shall be registered and published in English and French wherever necessary.