10 Custodian Weakness And Strengths Interview Questions & Answers Tips

10 Custodian Weakness And Strengths Interview Questions & Answers Tips

10 Custodian Weakness And Strengths Interview Questions & Answers Tips

10 Custodian Weakness And Strengths Interview Questions & Answers Tips. Employers look for custodians who are trustworthy, reliable, well organized, and able to solve problems. You’ll also need physical strength and stamina, as well as knowledge of the best ways to clean different facilities and types of equipment.

A custodial interview is a chance to show that you’ve polished these skills to a shine. When you appear for such an interview, the interviewer will use a list of questions to determine the best candidates.

Strengths & Weaknesses Based School custodian interview questions

  1. How do you see your job relating to the overall goals?
  2. A time when you made a suggestion to improve the work.
  3. What Makes You a Good Elementary School Custodian?
  4. How Do You Keep Equipment, Machinery, and Tools Clean?
  5. Your greatest weakness in school or at work?
  6. What do you believe are your key strengths?
  7. What Helps You Stay Motivated?
  8. What Are Some Common Problems You Solve as a Custodian?
  9. Describe a situation where you were faced with a tough decision and how did you solve it?
  10. Tell me about a time when you successfully handled a situation?
What are good weaknesses o mention in a job interview?

I get impatient with missed deadlines. I can have trouble asking for help. I sometimes lack confidence. I focus too much on the details. I have a hard time letting go of projects. I have trouble saying “no”.

What are some common problems you solve as a custodian?

You can use the following answer: “The most common problems I have experienced as a custodian are liquid and chemical spills. Liquid spills put others in danger of slipping and falling. In one incident, the nursing home had a massive leak in the kitchen caused by a broken PVC pipe under the sink.

What are some weakness skills?

The skills you can mention as weaknesses in an interview are: Spontaneity, Creativity, Task delegation, Taking on risks, Creative writing, Humour, Organization, Impatience.

Example Custodian Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is your greatest weakness As Custodian Maintenance & what are you doing to improve it?

I believe my biggest weakness As Custodian Maintenance is wanting to help anyone I can help. What I mean is I am willing to take on task that are not my job. I want to learn all I can. However, that has helped me get promoted or even asked to help in times of need in other department. I have been know as the “go to person” when help is needed.

2. What Are Some Common Problems You Solve as a Custodian?

As a custodian, you’ll encounter problems often, many of which occur when you least expect them. Problem-solving is one of the top skills employers look for in custodians. Custodian interview questions about problem-solving are a great opportunity to pull from your prior experience.

Example: “The most common problems I have experienced as a custodian are liquid and chemical spills. Liquid spills put others in danger of slipping and falling. In one incident, the nursing home had a massive leak in the kitchen caused by a broken PVC pipe under the sink. Once I figured out what the problem was, it turned out to be an easy fix. I was able to replace and seal off the pipe without having to ask a plumber. Once the pipe was replaced, the leak stopped.”

3. How Do You Keep Equipment, Machinery, and Tools Clean?

Example: “If my equipment, machinery, and tools aren’t clean, I can’t do my job well. Some of the machines I use include vacuum cleaners, floor scrubbers, and burnishers. Cleaning this equipment often involves removing and replacing filters. I also use disinfectant spray when wiping my equipment down at the end of the day. I also sanitize mops, cloths, and toilet brushes with hot water and bleach so they’re ready to use the next day.”

4. What Credentials Do You Have or Would Like to Pursue?

Example: “I recently received Clean Standard: K–12 training from the International Sanitary Supply Association. But I don’t have any licenses or certificates for custodian work. I would like to eventually get a Registered Building Service Manager certificate from the Building Service Contractors Association International. I enjoy the work that I’m currently doing, but would like to advance in this field.”

5. Why Should We Hire You as a Custodian?

A custodial interview sometimes opens with, “Why should we hire you?” The hiring manager wants to find out if you have the skills they need for the job. You’ll want to be specific when responding to this question. Think about the following when answering custodian interview questions such as this: Do you have the core skills necessary for a custodian job? Why are your skills and experience a good fit for the employer? What are the employer’s needs and how can you fulfill them?

6. What is your greatest moment as a school custodian?

Here the interviewer wants you to highlight a great moment while executing your job. Speak about something nice that happened and made you happy with your job.

Example: “While working at my previous station, my manager arranged a surprise birthday for me. As I packed to leave, he asked me to join him in his office and there were my colleagues and a few teachers waiting for me. I was also commended and awarded the best co-staff award for excellent work and consistency. This is special to me.”

7. How do you handle stress and pressure as a school custodian?

The interviewer is trying to ascertain how you handle yourself during difficult times. Answer this question by describing your actions and thought process during such scenarios.

8. What Makes You a Good Elementary School Custodian?

Custodial interview questions for elementary school are meant to gauge your reliability, personability, and skills. You must also show that you know when a situation could be dangerous so you can keep students safe.

10 Custodian Weakness And Strengths Interview Questions & Answers Tips

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